General Information
The Computer Counter Interface (CCI) is a general purpose input device for PC compatible computers that records contact closures, transistor closures, or TTL signals. These three data presentation formats comprise the most common methods of indicating the occurance of an event. An event may be a beam interuption, lick contact with a sipper tube, lever press, or any of the many ways switch-typed sensors are used in behavioral monitoring. The CCI may be configured to monitor as many as 128 channels of input information. Attachment to the computer is via RS-232. Data files are in a .CSV format and can be easily imported into almost any data analysis program. Windows Software included.
Features / Specifications
Up to 128 channel capability
Cintact closure, transistor or TTL input compatible
Automates almost all event recording
.CSV file structure eases data importing
works with almost all instrumentation.