General Information
New to the Oxymax lineup is our Frequent Analysis Sensing Technology. F.A.S.T systems employ a dedicated set of paired oxygen and carbon dioxide sensors for each chamber. Near continuous analysis can be performed in exercise and cyclic hypoxia testing where there's a need to accurately track rapid metabolic dynamics. Unlike systems with a single set of time multiplexed gas sensors, F.A.S.T systems provide timely data that is simultaneously collected from 1 to 8 animal enclosures.
Columbus Instruments has a long history as the world's premier supplier of high quality lab animal open-circuit calorimeter systems. Oxymax is the best selling device of its kind in the marketplace. It has a 25 year track record of reliable and consistent performance and is mentioned in hundreds of scientific research articles.
Oxymax has grown and adapted to meet the expanding needs of the research in which it is employed. A wide range of sensor types are offered as well as adaptation to both positive and negative ventilation methods. Oxymax is suitable for use with enclosed chambers, masks or canopies. While normally employed for mice or rats, Oxymax has been scaled for applications employing animal ranging from chicken eggs to horses.