eneral Information
Rotational behavior is often used as an index of pharmacological/dopaminergic performance in animals subjected to brain lesions that induce rotational behavior. Rotat-Count-8 is a thirty-two station rotation monitoring system that records full and partial turning motion small laboratory animals. In practice, the subject wears a harness to which a light and flexible tether has been affixed. The tether is secured to a rotary encoder that monitors the angular direction of the subject. The rotary encoder shaft is supported by ball bearings, which require less than five inch-ounces of torque, and is not an obstacle to the subject's normal motion. The rotary encoder resolves each revolution into 100 parts (3.6 degrees). The Rota-Count 8 monitors both clockwise and counter-clockwise turning behavior. Each Rota-Count 8 unit monitors 8 subjects. Up to four Rota-Count 8 units connect together using standard category 5 network/communication patch cables.