The Passive RABS was realised within the revamping of a laboratory in order to obtain a higher grade of protection of the working area already fitted with a simple laminar flow surrounded by two portable straps.
Friendly operator interface (HMI)
High grade stainless steel AISI 316L internally and AISI 304 externally
Glove flanges (different size available) with gloves (different materials available)
Static gaskets with D profile, made from EPDM and FDA approved for sealing the doors in the closed position
Front panels made with antistatic, 10 mm thick panels in Lexan
Front grille installed in the lower part of each door in order to regulate the air flow through the laboratory
Each door is equipped with two 10” oval glove flanges and gloves in Hypalon
All stainless steel components TIG welded.
The implementation of this open RABS allowed a positive pressure level of 15 Pa to be reached, dramatically increasing aseptic condition of the critical area contained.