Over 25 years of experience in designing PSG and EEG amplifiers, including the highly successful E-Series, has culminated in Grael PSG. Based on the flagship Grael amplifier, the Grael PSG has a channel subset dedicated for Sleep studies. A true-HD PSG amplifier with channels as specified for the Gold standard AASM Type 1 studies.
A single IP connection to the Grael amplifier provides both power and data transmission, making it very easy to set up the system at different locations in your department.
The Grael system has CE Class IIa medical certification and FDA approval.
Industry-leading amplifier optimized for Gold Standard HD PSG studies.
Key features
Optimized for sleep studies
Supports a great selection of sleep sensors including an integrated light sensor
DC Amplifier with sampling rates up to 2048 Hz
True high definition (HD) signal quality