Computer Electronics Integration Station
Stainless steel storage cabinet
2 Hinged glass doors, 2 hinged stainless steel double pan vented doors,
Recessed, Freestanding with optional 4” base and/ or slope top
State of the Art Design
Universal Storage and Routing Hub for Audio, Video, Data Storage and Communications Equipment (PACU System, Video Switchers and Routers, CD Players, Controllers)
Storage and Communications to accommodate various manufacturers’ VCR’s, Printers, Telephone, and computers
A Large Pull-out Work Surface to allow Nurse Clinician to face Surgical Field
Available size range: Length from 2 to 8 feet, Height as large as 80 inches
Many Options, Features, and Configurations available to improve workflow
Can be integrated with other CMP cabinets and equipment as part of a complete and coordinated storage solution
Newly expanded product line
vents allow for maximum heat dissipation from the medical electronic equipment stored within the unit
Standard Dimensions include : 48” wide x 72” high x 24” deep, 30″ wide x 70″ High x 18″ or 24 ” deep