Used for arterial and venous embolization in the peripheral vasculature.
The MReye Flipper coil is designed with a detachment zone that allows the clinician to perform effective embolization in anatomy where control and precise placement are critical. This is on top of the MR benefi ts of the super alloy used in the construction of the coils. MReye Flipper Coils can be used in fi eld strengths up to 3.0 Tesla, while providing a signifi cant reduction in MR signal void, making MReye Flipper coils ideal for patients who may need an MR scan. Fibers or no fi bers? That depends: How long do you want to wait? Studies by Barth et al1 show that a single fi bered coil like MReye Flipper can achieve initial occlusion faster than multiple nonfi bered devices. Evidence also suggests it can be less vulnerable to recanalization, creating a more secure occlusion over time. Bigger coils = bigger possibilities Unlike other coils that are only available in a .018 inch diameter, MReye Flipper is available in .035 inch diameter. In larger peripheral vessels volume can be a critical factor to the success of the embolization. Doubling the coil size means you occlude large vessels faster and more effectively