Urine self-collection for HPV and STIs
Copan Self UriSponge™ is a safe and easy-to-use device to collect urine samples. Collection can be performed at Point of Care in complete privacy, using a non-invasive procedure, especially for people that have impaired motility or difficulties to reach clinics because of distance.
We believe in Self-collection
We are aware of all the intrinsic advantages linked to self-collection, and we truly believe that this could change the approach to diagnostics from the Patient point of view.
Deepen your understanding of our solutions specifically designed for self-collection surfing through our content!
Performing and convenient
Self UriSponge™ maintains the DNA integrity for up to 1 week at RT with zero-risk of overgrowth. While its performance is comparable with the testing of neat first-catch urine specimens for detection of C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhoeae, Self UriSponge™ considerably reduces the cost per infection detected compared to clinic testing.
Why to choose Self UriSponge™
Self UriSponge™ features unlock the full advantages of self-collection.
The sponge absorbs instantly the correct amount of first-void urine sample.
Hygienic and intimate
Easy-to-use: the proper urine self-collection device without risk and discomfort.
Compact and leak-proof device for a safe and cost-effective shipment. Suitable for sample transport from remote areas.
Standardized workflow
Self UriSponge™ grants optimized high-performance and ready-to-use processing of up to 3 ml of urine, to fit the procedures of the main molecular platforms.