Advanced system for collection, transport and preservation of urine
A practical device
UriSponge™ is intended for the collection, transport and preservation of urine specimens to the testing laboratory. UriSponge™ specimens are processed using the clinical laboratory’s standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the cultivation of uropathogenic bacteria and yeasts.
Handling and processing
Unique design
Copan UriSponge™ comprises of a screw cap tube containing a plastic applicator stick with two cylindrical sponges. Compliant with CLSI-M40-A2 standards and 510K cleared, UriSponge™ opens up multiple testing possibilities and is compatible with manual or WASP®-automated streaking.
UriSponge™ redefines urine collection, offering unpaired handling easiness and downstream assay’s performance.
High-yield agents
Preservatives are chemically incorporated inside the sponge and they are ready to use. Zero-risk of overgrowth or overkill during transport.
Versatile system
UriSponge™ maintains the microorganisms viability for traditional culture and preserves nucleic acids for molecular assays.
Pratical and reliable collection
Preservatives are chemically bound to the sponge, and are activated on contact with urine. Simply urinate directly onto the sponge applicator or dip it into sample cup, close the container and send it to the lab for analysis.
Optimal viability
UriSponge™ preserves microorganisms viability at refrigerated and room temperature for up to 48 hours.