All-in-one-incubation and reading
PharmaLab™ is the fully automated platform that takes care of the whole quality control process for the pharmaceutical industry. From plate handling to incubation, from image analysis to reporting.
We do the counts, you do what counts
PharmaLab™ AI-based image analysis system detects growth as soon as it appears. Its full compatibility with any LIMS environment allows full, automatic, and digital traceability from the sample incoming to the final result. The automatic storage of results ensures full data integrity, supporting you through any audit trail. All these features streamline your environmental control and save time from non-added value tasks.
How it happens
With a worldwide install base of over 1000 automations through clinical, food and forensics, we are now breaking the ground for the pharma. Image analysis is the spearhead of our technology, boasting a top-quality image acquisition. Combined with our differential time software it can detect and evaluate pinpoint colonies 0,2 mm2 small.