The modern Lab Intelligence Platform
There is no plain definition to what MicroHub® is: it connects all the lab automation and software like a middleware, looks like a L.I.S. as it works as an interface with patient, sample, test and workup data, it aggregates and analyzes them like a management platform, and finally it streamlines the validation process like… no other, actually.
Please welcome the real Microbiology Hub.
Automation is the key
Automated processes are the Lab’s turning point to reach new heights of flexibility, quality, process management and optimization, and of course prestige.
Copan will take you by hand, wipe out all uncertainties, and guide you through this breakthrough change!
Connection without compromises
MicroHub®* is not the usual “We connect our own automation” software. It is designed to jump right in the middle of your microbiology lab automation environment, bringing every available data together in real-time right into your hands.
One single interface to work with LIS as well as all platforms, workloads, and results, manage the validation phase in a flash.
Connect and collect to a common base
Retrieve all the data
Right now in your lab, patients, samples, tests, and automation are generating a cloud of data that awaits to express its potential. MicroHub® integrates with LIS and all the other digitally connected automated systems, and can gather information ranging from patient anagraphics, to test results, plate and tubes id, automation processing status, and obviously intermediate outcomes. Basically anything that gets recorded.