eSwab® – Copan’s Liquid Amies Elution Swab – collection and transport system is our multipurpose media intended for the collection and transport of clinical specimens containing aerobes, anaerobes, fastidious bacteria, viruses and Chlamydia.
The finest medium
Workflow optimization
The technical characteristics and unique formula make eSwab® an extremely versatile device that can optimize your laboratory workflow, and reduce costs.
The product that made automation possible
Not only eSwab®- collected samples are compatible with WASP®-automated processing: eSwab® is the product that has opened the door to the concept of Liquid Based Microbiology, the first step into the Full microbiology Lab Automation.
The one device
eSwab® allows for multipurpose testing, traditional and automated bacterial culture, Gram stain, NAAT, and rapid antigen assays.
Ensure a quick, capillarity-driven sample uptake and a
superior elution of the biological specimen, expanding
downstream diagnostic testing capabilities.
CLSI M40-A2 standard
eSwab® is compliant with CLSI M40-A2 Quality Control
for Microbiological Transport System standards.
Multiple testing capabilities
Thanks to its liquid formulation, it could be used to run multiple tests from a single specimen, reducing multiple sampling and stocking costs.
eSwab® is available combined with single or multiple swabs to meet different laboratories’ needs.
Stability and Preservation
eSwab® preserved the viability of all the organisms tested for 48 hours at both controlled room and refrigerated temperature, except for Neisseria gonorrhoeae cultures which should be processed within 24 hours.