Collection, Transport & Preservation System for Enteric Pathogens
FecalSwab™ is intended to collect fecal specimens and preserve enteric pathogenic bacteria’s viability during transport to the testing laboratory. In the laboratory, FecalSwab™ samples are processed using standard clinical laboratory operating procedures for culture.
Standardized Collection
Collection made easy
FecalSwab™ is a modified Cary-Blair medium specifically designed for the recovery, preservation and detection of enteric pathogens, available with two collection devices: a standard flocked swab and a specialized one with stopper for the collection of anal, perianal and feces.
Processing and applications
Versatile and automatable
In the laboratory, FecalSwab™ collected samples are compatible with Copan WASP® automated processing and suitable enteric bacteria culture.
The perfect s-tool!
FecalSwab™ is a convenient system for transporting fecal samples!
Rectal and stool sampling
Fecalswab™ can be used by medical staff to transfer a small quantity of sample from the primary stool collection container, or to directly collect a rectal swab sample.
Easy transport
FecalSwab™ simplifies fecal sample collection, transport, and processing. Its shatterproof tubes are a compact and neat alternative to large, bulky transport containers.