WASPLab® brings you into the world of Digital Bacteriology.
More than a platform for incubation, storage, digitization, and recording of inoculated bacteriology plates*, WASPLab® is the nucleus of Copan Full Lab Automation.
Automation is the key
Automated processes are the Lab’s turning point to reach new heights of flexibility, quality, process management and optimization, and of course prestige.
Copan will take you by hand, wipe out all uncertainties, and guide you through this breakthrough change!
Concept of “digital” plate
Before and during incubation WASPLab® takes tremendously accurate digital images thanks to its top-notch imaging system: 48mpx trilinear sensor, telecentric optics, and 9mm depth of field to name a few features.
WASPLab® completes the “digitalization of the plate”: each plate has now an ID, an upstream sample ID and type, patient information, a workup, a plate type, and obviously the image itself.
All this information is accessible in one place: your WASPLab® workstation.