Picking phase made standard, gold standard
Colibrí™ is Copan’s device designed to automatise colony picking, and preparation of targets* for ID through MALDI-TOF technology, and bacterial suspensions* for AST.
Automation is the key
Automated processes are the Lab’s turning point to reach new heights of flexibility, quality, process management and optimization, and of course prestige.
Copan will take you by hand, wipe out all uncertainties, and guide you through this breakthrough change!
Through WASPLab® to Colibrí™
Mark your isolates for picking with your WASPLab® Webapp , or let PhenoMATRIX® TAG mark them for you.
WASPLab® will automatically unload your plates into a canister, for you to load them into Colibrí™.
Hit the play button and walk away! Colibrí™ already knows what to do and will prepare your ID targets* or AST tubes* for you.
Think integrated
Colibrí™ and PhenoMATRIX® TAG combined
Colibrí™ is the combination of breakthrough robotic precision, calibration technologies and digital imaging.
This matches perfectly with PhenoMATRIX® TAG which analyses the digital plate, automatically marks significant colonies for picking, and tells Colibrí™ how to act.
Let Colibrí™ do the extra mile
Efficiency, scalability, cost-saving, TAT reduction, resource optimization: the transition to an automated lab is a radical step that will change your whole perspective on the future of your lab.
There is no top-grade laboratory without a plan for automatization.