The Covaris miniTUBE is optimized for use with Focused-ultrasonicators utilizing AFA™ to reproducibly shear genomic DNA into fragments ranging from 2 to 5 kb in size. Fragment distributions are tight and precisely centered on the targeted size with three available classes of miniTUBEs:
Clear miniTUBEs generate sheared DNA with fragments centered on 2 kb
Blue miniTUBEs generate sheared DNA with fragments centered on 3 kb
Red miniTUBEs generate sheared DNA with fragments centered on 5 kb
The bottom surface of the miniTUBE is textured in a specific manner to create non-inertial cavitation when placed in the AFA field. Non inertial cavitation generates a well controlled micro streaming and the DNA trapped in this micro streaming is then gently sheared.
Each type of miniTUBE (clear, blue or red) has a specific textured surface to provide the required shearing forces when used with the recommended AFA settings. The shearing force is gentle and controlled to generate large DNA fragment with a tight fragment size distribution.
miniTUBEs are designed to work with all Covaris Focused-ultrasonicators as an integrated component in the acoustic circuit. The S220 and M220 Focused-ultrasonicators are capable of single miniTUBE processing, while the E220 and LE220 systems allow higher throughput of up to 24 tubes.