The CleanSpot is designed to fulfill a very important need today... control of PCR* contamination.
Just 25 - 30 minutes of UV irradiation in the Coy Clean Spot can prevent unwanted PCR contamination. The Clean Spot is the easiest and most economical method for DNA (RNA) purification.
The combination of a special light reflector and two powerful overhead UV bulbs generate Pyrimidine Dimers (T,C) and other photo defects in contaminating target sequences, thus eliminating falsely primed products that result in countless lost time and expense.
The CleanSpot is designed to prevent unwanted contaminant DNA in amplification mixtures, thereby saving many lost hours and expensive samples.
The UV resistant acrylic enclosure provides a contained, dead air space in which to set up your reactions and permit safe 254nm UV irradiation of solutions and supplies. This powerful UV wavelength renders DNA contaminants biologically inactive in 30 minutes or less.
The thick front panel is an effective beta irradiation shield as well as acting as a breath guard. An overhead fluorescent light illuminates the work area.