BioSmart is a wireless EMG-based biofeedback system for pelvic floor rehabilitation, and can be used with vaginal or rectal probes, and surface skin electrodes (patch electrodes).
Wireless Communication
Patient Management
User Target Configurations
Standard and Customised Protocols
Continuous Improvement Analysis
Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation - Periform
Biofeedback for Anal Sphincter - Anuform
User Configurable Reports
EMG Input Channel
Patient input protection: ~6kOhms
Input range: 1mV full scale
Input resolution: >100nV (averaged)
Acceptable DC voltage : 600mV maximum
Input impedance: 1010 ohms // 1pF
Input impedance imbalance: >40%
Common mode rejection: >100dB
Bandwidth: 10Hz~1000Hz
Optional Notch: 50Hz
Input referred noise level: 2µV (averaged)
Sampling rate: 2000 samples/second