Elmedical delivers a system (console and catheters) for minimally invasive non-ablative high temperature treatments (hyperthermia) for urological diseases.
BWT (Bladder Wall Thermochemotherapy) for Bladder cancer:
BWT treats non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC).
BWT provides bladder wall thermochemotherapy with uniform hyperthermia all over the bladder by high flow of a heated Mitomycin-C solution.
BWT provides conductive-heat which is easy to control within the bladder.
BWT heat is administered precisely and uniformly throughout the bladder avoiding "hot spots” or ineffective "cold spots”.
Bladder Wall Thermochemotherapy (BWT) treats non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) by combining uniform bladder wall hyperthermia with chemotherapy instillation.
Combination of heat and drug has synergistic effect:
Heat selectively damages the cancer tissue (neoplastic tissue)
Heat increases tissue drug uptake by 3 mechanisms:
Heat increases blood flow (more available to the tissue)
Heat increases cell membrane permeability to the drug
Heat accelerates drug metabolism (every 1 centigrade over 37 centigrade increase at 50%)
The procedure offering best patient's tolerance:
No pain; performed with topical anesthesia only.
No post-procedure Catheter.
No rectal, bladder or tissue temperature probes.
Patient returns back to normal activities the same day.