Modì 2 is a fully featured Placido disk corneal topographer, it includes easy to use software for the measurement of corneal curvature, elevation, refractive power and includes a tools for the simulation of rigid contact lenses fitting.
Modì 2 can perform pupilography measurements under scotopic, mesopic, photopic and dynamic conditions of illumination. Knowing the position of the pupil center is essential when performing procedures that are aimed at optimizing a patients vision.
Modì 2 has advanced Keratoconous screening software, which provides the clinician with important information about the condition of the patients cornea. This helps with corneal surgical planning so that complications associated with ectasia can be avoided.
Modì 2 provides anterior surface wavefront maps, optical quality summary of the cornea and various comparison maps. All of the maps parameters can be customized by the user to suit their specific needs.
Modì 2 has powerful tools which can simulate the fit of rigid contact lenses. Placido disk topography provides the information required to understand the condition of the cornea, helping to provide the best outcome for your patients quality of vision when fitting contact lenses.
Data transfer USB 3.0
Power supply USB 2.0 5VDC 0,5A
Dimensions (HxDxW - 480 x 315 x 255mm
Weight 4.5Kg
Chin rest movement 70mm ± 1mm
Minimum height of the chin cup from table 24cm
Base movement (xyz) 105 x 110 x 30mm
Working distance 56mm