Producing continuous liners is not just about shaping something; it is about putting your experience at the service of others’ work.
CSV Containment produces continuous liners starting from customer’s needs. Indeed, our manufactured products are designed together with the customer . Behind and inside each continuous liner is the contribution of our containment experts.
Right from the start, the most appropriate materials, thicknesses and lengths are chosen to ensure the best working conditions. For instance, a properly formed liner to maximise the almost infinite length of the bag may allow an entire campaign of product to be unloaded without having to interrupt operations to change the liner. Sometimes a few extra meters make a difference in time optimisation and allow for faster procedures.
Containment in the field.
The great know-how in the field of containment, allows CSV Containment to be much more than a supplier, but a real consultant able to make a valuable contribution in the production process. The “infinity bags” are custom-made as far as possible, even from certified material provided by the customer. The materials proposed by CSV Containment are the result of research that has led to special compounds that can guarantee resistance, flexibility and transparency.
They can be packaged in the most popular and practical doughnut shape, but also in the more compact folded version.