Cardiac rehab totally easy!
To perform an effective rehab, you need a perfect ECG, various training devices and good software. With these three “ingredients” and the patient, a complete cardiac rehab is possible.
New possibilities in cardiac rehabilitation
The patient receives just a small, light-weight ECG module which is clamped to a textile washable ECG belt, without cables. The patient wears the ECG module on the body during the whole rehab training. Consequently, the ECG recording is not bound to any endurance training equipment and the therapist has free choice of training devices.
ECG in real-time – anytime and anywhere!
All data can be monitored by means of real-time ECG via a central monitor, from which up to 16 patients can be observed simultaneously. The system is also available as outdoor version with a mobile solution.
Outdoor training with custo rehab
Use the full version of custo rehab for mobile supervision of outdoor training on any Windows tablet or notebook. All the equipment is supplied with custo long range guard so that the patients can always be monitored in real-time, even when training outdoors.
Fast: seamless workflows via HL7, DICOM and GDT
Safe: clear, paperless flows for all examinations
Modern: flexible, manufacturer-independent device concept
Mobile: fully synchronised rehab workflows, optionally in WiFi infrastructure
Scalable: modular concept with transparent licence model
Safe investment: manufacturer-independent rehab management and integration of legacy system
Future-proof: subsequent HIS integration is possible at any time