ChromoQuant Optima STaR and SuperSTaR QF-PCR kits
ChromoQuant QF-PCR tests for prenatal diagnostics
Detection of aneuploidy in
chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X and Y
ChromoQuant® is CE marked for IVD use and produced according to ISO13485
IVD kit for fast and accurate diagnosis of
Down syndrome Trisomy 21
Edward syndrome, Trisomy 18
Patau syndrome, Trisomy 13
Klinefelter syndrome (XXY)
Turner syndrome (X0)
Sex determination
Key advantages
Superior number of markers
Optimised performance
High flexibility for users
Many X markers in combination with Turner X0 verifying marker
Turner X0 verifying TAF9B marker present in both reaction mixes
Taq polymerase included, ready to use
Detection of maternal contamination eliminates the risk of misdiagnosis
The diagnostic procedure is based upon amniocentesis/CVS. Results are achieved
within 6 hours enabling a "time to reply" of less than 24 hours.
The ChromoQuant® kits are validated for all sequencers from Life Technologies/
ThermoFisher Scientific
Product Numbers:
ChromoQuant STaR Optima 1: 514.100
available as 26, 68 and 136 tests
ChromoQuant STaR Optima 2: 514.201-26
available as 26 tests
ChromoQuant SuperSTaR Optima: 514.301
available as 26, 68 and 136 tests
The STaR Optima 1 in combination with STaR Optima 2 = SuperSTaR Optima
STaR Optima 2 is intended as Extra markers and should not be used as a stand alone test.