The Muse® Human CD8 T Cell kit is used in laboratory research studies to determine the CD8+ T cell count, total lymphocyte count, and percent of CD8+ T cell lymphocytes in human whole blood and peripheral mononuclear cell (PBMC) samples. Identification and enumeration of cytotoxic CD8+ T cell populations are useful in understanding immune response and status, and in the research of disease mechanisms, such as autoimmune diseases and immunodeficiency.
The Muse Human CD8 T Cell kit allows for the detection and identification of lymphocytes and CD8+ T lymphocytes in both whole blood and PBMCs using a simplified, no-wash assay. The CD8 antibody allows the identification of CD8, a 68 kDa transmembrane glycoprotein expressed by class I major histocompatibility complex-restricted, mature suppressor/cytotoxic T cells, which are the majority of cortical thymocytes and approximately 30 percent of medullary thymocytes. Additionally, a portion of γδ T cells and NK cells express CD8. Inclusion of several proprietary antibodies in the anti-lymphocyte cocktail allows for the unique identification of the CD8+ cytotoxic T cells. Minimal sample preparation is required in this no-wash assay to obtain accurate and precise results. The software readout on the Guava® Muse® cell analyzer provides:
CD8 T cell concentration (cells/μL)
CD8 T cell percent of lymphocytes
Total lymphocyte concentration (cells/μL)
The Muse Human CD8 T Cell Kit is optimized for use with the Muse system, which makes sophisticated, fluorescent-based analysis fast, easy, convenient, and affordable.