The F.SIGHT is our first generation single-cell dispenser with fluorescent sorting. Our affordable and flexible F.SIGHT enables single-cell assays for monoclonal cell line development as well as single-cell omics studies.
Assurance of single-cell isolation
Capture nozzle images for every dispensing run to confirm that only single cells were dispensed on the plate.
Fluorophore detection
Detect even the slightest fluorescent signal thanks to the F.SIGHT’s adjustable blue laser and isolate only fluorescent cells.
Dual imaging system
Overlay both brightfield and fluorescent images for precise identification of your cells of interest.
Gentle single-cell dispensing
Handle and isolate delicate cells of interest with our no-pressure dispensing, minimizing the stress inflicted on cells.
No risk of contamination
Eliminate cross contamination risk during dispensing with single-use CYTENA cartridges.
Fast and accessible technology
Easily set up an experiment and fill a 96-well plate in a couple of minutes.
Product Details
Fast and precise dispensing
Isolate single cells in either 96- or 384-well plates quickly. The F.SIGHT can dispense an entire 96-well plate in a couple of minutes. Due to the system’s versatility, a multitude of different cells can be fluorescently labelled and isolated.
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