Brite Triton's powerful and precise light flows over your workplace and creates optimal conditions for assesing colour shades in your work environment. Shadow-, glare- and flicker free of course. Brite Triton is available in two variants, one with warm white middle leg (3000 Kelvin) and one with uniform color temperature throughout the luminaire (5700 Kelvin).
Are you providing beauty treatments or animal care? Brite Triton is the second largest luminaire in the Brite series and can be a perfect fit if you’re looking to upgrade your workspace.
If you choose Brite Triton D (Dynamic), it is delivered with the mid-leg in warm white (3000 Kelvin) color temperature. It's a great feature for you that switches between color precision and non-color precision when you blend in a warm soft light making it restful for your eyes. When working with coloring / color viewing, the center leg is turned off on the supplied remote control.
On a regular day outdoors, the light temperature varies based on time of day, sunrise and the types of clouds that filter the sunlight. The same type of experience is provided by Triton's dynamic daylight simulation. Daylight simulation creates a natural light experience and varies from a warmer to a colder color temperature steplessly. The shifts between color temperatures occur steplessly and are so subtle that you will hardly perceive them with the naked eye, but they stimulate your senses in a similar way as the natural variations of daylight do outdoors. Dynamic daylight simulation is included if you choose Brite Triton D.