Giemsa Staining Solution composed of both the acidic (eosin) and basic (methylene blue) dyes. Eosin and methylene blue have different affinities for various substances within the cell, thus making cell substances appear in different shades of color for easy identification.
Interpretation of Test Results
Blood cell staining: Red blood cells should be pink, the nuclei of leukocytes will be varying shades of blue to dark blue. The nuclear chromatin structure should be clear and the cytoplasmic granules should be clear, showing the characteristic color of various cell. For example, neutrophils will demonstrate purple granules in the cytoplasm, eosinophils will demonstrate red granules in the cytoplasm and basophils will demonstrate dark purple red granules in the cytoplasm.
Plasmodium spp. staining: Cytoplasmic staining of Plasmodium will be blue, and nuclei will be red to purple red.