AP 16 IF ELITE is an innovative and fast processor able to tun 16 IFA slides, it is equipped with a sliding-sample barcode reader and a camera for the slide bar code reading. Reliable and manufactured with the latest technologies, it is able to carry out: sample dilution, sample and reagent dispense, incubation times and slide well washing with accuracy and precision.
Built-in barcode reader: - for samples, controls and reagents; barcode reader for slides (optional)
Average throughput: - 192 wells in a run with incubation times of 30 + 30 minutes
Sample trays: - 180 sample tubes Ø13 mm or 135 sample tubes Ø16mm; combination of them can be used in the same run
Supplied trays: 264 positions for dilution cups; 16 postions for IFA slides; 20 controls; 8 conjugates (7 in case of Blue Evans dye) and 1 cleaning solution for the probe; 2 diluents for samples
External liquid tanks: - 2 washing buffers for slides, wash and waste tanks, all equipped with level sensors
Slide washing: - Wells are washed one by one to avoid carry-over
Washing modes: multi-well, continuous flow or drop by drop for specific washing
Liquid handling: - 2 probes: one to dispense an dilute, the second to aspirate from wells
Sample dilution time: - 20s with 2 ml of washing solution
Sample dispense time: 11s per campione con 2 ml di lavaggio
Dispense: - CV <0.1%, inaccuracy 1% at 100µl
Aspiration - CV <0.3%, inaccuracy 1% a 100µl; minimum volume 5µl, resolution 1µl
Syringe: volume 1000µl, resolution 1µl