AP BLOT ELITE is a fully automated Dot Blot processor able to manage in the same run sample dilution and its dispensation, reagent dispensation, incubation times, strip washings, dot assessment by image processing of strip; the supplied software is also to provide the final report and record the results. Pictures of processed strips are directly taken form a digital colour camera when are still into the allotment trays. The system is able to automatically determine the strip position, indentify the releated blots, measure the blot intensity and give the results. Then the digital images are stored with a detailed report in a file, avoiding the tiring and time consuming task to collate the strips for the record. The instrument is equipped with a builtin sliding sample BCR. A strip heating system reduces the blot drying time before the reading phase
Sample barcode reader - Built-in sliding barcode reader for samples
Strip heating system - Reduces the waiting time for reading (optional)
Sample tray - 48 sample tubes Ø13mm or Ø16mm; both kinds can be used at the same time
Reagent tray - 10 x 100 ml reagent vials and 8 control positions
Externale liquid tanks - 2 buffers for slide washing in external tanks with level sensors; Wash and Waste tanks with level sensors
Strip holders - 6 trays (8 strps per tray) to run up to 48 strips on the shaking plane
Processing - form 1 to 48 strips
Liquid handling - 2 probes: one to dilute and dispense, the second for strip washing
Dispense - CV <0.1%, inaccuracy 1% at 100µl
Aspiration - CV <0.3%, inaccuracy 1% a 100µl; minimum volume 5µl, resolution 1µl