The device movement is an effective and safe exercise for the hip joints targeting hip adductors.
Pure perfection
Several studies have shown that movement can act as medicine for painful joints. With joints like the knee, which are relatively simple structures, movements are simple and loading is easy to apply in a controlled manner. Specially designed devices are required to isolate the target area to provide total control in the movement and loading.
Hip Adduction
The device movement is an effective and safe exercise for the hip joints. The exercise targets the hip adductors.
Sagittal 120 degrees hip angle designed for improved muscle activation
Self adjusting movement arm length
Easy entry / range adjustment from the seat
Seat belt for additional stability during exercise
Optimal resistance curve
EVE integration with strength and mobility tests
Weight stack: 2,5/100 kg, 5.5/220 lbs
Target muscles
Adductor magnus
Adductor longus
Adductor brevis
Certification -
Medical-CE device, class 1M
Isometric torque measurement points -
0°, 15°, 30°
Power -
Voltage: 110/240V 50/60Hz
Power: ~36W (~0.15A)