The human body is composed of four components- water, protein, minerals, and fat. Each person has a different amount of these four components, or body composition, depending on factors like their age and gender. Additionally, body composition is frequently used as a predictor of overall health status.
The InBody is an advanced body composition analyzer that accurately assesses body composition and provides insightful health data that can be used to educate and empower individuals to improve their health and wellness. Medical, fitness, and nutrition professionals also use this data to precisely track progress, validate, and optimize programs, and motivate their clients.
Safe, low-level currents are sent through the body through the hand and foot electrodes. The impedance the currents encounter is measured, and from there, the body composition is derived. The InBody is fully integrated into the EVE software which ensures that all body composition data is stored in the patient’s case file.
The Ultimate Analysis
The InBody 770 Body Composition Analyzer goes beyond traditional body composition analysis to take a deeper look at body fluids. Important in monitoring injuries, fluid retention and inflammation. The InBody 770 Body Composition Analyzer offers two types of results sheets: one with body composition and one with body water. This allows you to easily and quickly measure your body composition to create a treatment plan for a patient or client.
Without estimates
At InBody, we do not use estimates related to gender or age in the calculations. By looking only at the impedance, we can arrive at the body composition results.