Synchro REPLA:Y
Especially recommended for Hair Removal, Anti-Aging & Wrinkles, Vascular Lesions, Pigmented Lesions, Skin Tightening
Synchro REPLA:Y
The Top Worldwide Laser System for Speed and Power in Hair Removal
The system offers a wide range of wavelengths: Alexandrite, Nd:YAG and pulsed lamp
Keys to Success:
It works up to 5hz (the 1st Alex laser working at 5Hz with Moveo Technology)
It reaches 125 W, 25% more than any other laser on the market
3 light sources can be integrated Alex, Nd:YAG and Pulsed Light
Broad spot size choice
A large number of handpieces (from 2.5 to 24mm spot size) can be setted
First Double-Source Laser with Alex at 5Hz
Synchro REPLAY has the most powerful (125W) and fastest (5Hz) Alex Laser together with unrivalled Nd:YAG (180W).
Based on Your Needs It is Available in 4 Configurations:
Excellium 3.4: Alexandrite + Nd:YAG (180W)
Excellium HP: Only Nd:YAG (180W)
Premium 2.4.2: Alexandrite + Nd:YAG (70W)
Premium 1.4.2: Only Alexandrite
Inside Moveo Innovation
Moveo HR: Focus on Hair Removal
The multiple passes of Moveo HR over small defined areas cause gradual heating and destruction of unwanted hairs.
Moveo PL: Focus on Pigmented Lesions
The new MOVEO PL is indicated for skin age and sun spots progressively heating the pigmented lesions.
Moveo SR: Focus on Skin Rejuvenation
The multipass controlled action of MOVEO SR causes a progressive increase in heat at the dermal level, which stimulates a neocollagenic process.
Moveo VL: Focus on Vascular Lesions
The specific action of Moveo VL acts directly and effectively on vascular redness.