Monitor your patients. Gain clinical visibility
Use our AI-powered platform and patented technology to detect and monitor 130+ oral observations, remotely.
So you know exactly when a patient needs an in-person appointment.
Suited for all treatment types and orthodontic appliance brands.
Optimize chairtime
Drive compliance
Check treatment progress and detect issues early through closer supervision of treatment between appointments and automated next steps.
Schedule appointments at the right time and never walk into an appointment without knowing the most important information
Boost engagement
Give patients the convenience of connecting with your practice through our app. Send instructions and friendly reminders as often as needed.
How DentalMonitoring works
Setup platform preferences and patient protocols
After you’ve seen a patient in person and have a treatment plan in mind, you can choose the information you want to receive about their treatment from our platform on over 130+ oral observations detected by our AI. Use protocol templates made by platform super-users or customize them completely.
Patients scan and send images from anywhere
Patients use our proprietary ScanBox pro device plus their smartphone to take intraoral images (at the frequency you set) from anywhere. Then, they send them to you through the patient app.
Our AI helps you analyze the images and send instructions based on your preferences
DM’s platform analyzes, sorts and crops the images for you. When your prescribed observation is detected, your customized protocol will be enabled and instructions sent.