Quick and easy to fit.
The tomas® system has a solution for nearly all indications. With a set of instruments and accessories especially designed for tomas®, we created a complete system, leaving nothing to be desired.
Flexible System.
By integrating the new tomas®-pin EP (Elastic Palatal) and a selection of abutments for direct and indirect coupling into the tomas® system, we have extended the range of indications, taking all the requirements of a modern system into consideration.
High quality standards.
Standout features of the tomas® system are the high quality manufacturing standards and the practical orientation of the product portfolio.
The tomas® anchorage system is compatible with both pin versions. With the tomas®-auxiliaries and the new tomas®-abutments, it offers many individual components to make different appliances for direct and indirect coupling.
Skeletal anchoring according to the Pin-Last© concept.
The tomas®-RPE eyelet makes the fabrication of the skeletally anchored hybrid GNE or MARPE (Mini screw Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion) und and the insertion of the tomas®-pin even easier. Pin-Last concept means : planning the optimal pin position, fabricating and fitting the RPE appliance. Then, guided insertion of tomas®-pin through tomas®-RPE eyelet.
Characteristics tomas®-RPE eyelet.
Suitable for all types of skeletally anchored RPE appliances.
Free insertion of tomas®-pin EP in anatomically and biomechanically favorable position.
Applying the Pin-Last concept.
Fitting the RPE appliance and the tomas®-pin in one appointment.
tomas®-RPE eyelet is both an insertion template and a connector in one.