The didex program is the first software to prepare a digital jaw model scan for 3D printing of a PINDEX* model. For the first time and for a long time, didex combines efficient 3D printing technology with the requirements of a precision dental model. Haptics and appearance correspond to the familiar plaster model. The pinned and plaster-socketed dental arch provides dental technicians with maximum accuracy and result transparency. Friction and fitting of the dies meet the requirements of a master laboratory for the first time. The model, which is articulated in a familiar way, is perfect proof of an intelligent combination of state-of-the-art manufacturing technology with the requirements of a precision craft.
Extension for high-precision implant models
With this module, high-precision implant models can now also be realized in the stand-alone software didex. Thanks to the integrated implant library, in which various companies (e.g. NT-Trading, Medentika) are stored, an implant model - with a removable gingival mask - can be created for almost any situation. didex thus combines efficient 3D printing technology with the requirements for accurate saw-cut, situation and now also implant models. In this way, the classic and, in many cases, indispensable dental working basis - the precision model - can be easily transferred to the modern world of digital dental technology.