This special super hard stone according to DIN EN ISO 6873: 2013, type 4, is the perfect solution for the model poured in the dental clinic. This material has been optimized for manual mixing without a vacuum mixer in order to take into account the practical processes in the dental clinic. The particularly simple handling does not lead to any loss of quality in terms of the physical properties or the appearance of the model. hand-stone 150 is low thixotropic, fast setting for counter bites, plastic dentures and diagnostic models.
Mixing ratio: - 26-27 ml : 100 g
Stirring time (mach.): - 30 s
Processing time: - appr. 3-4 min.
Setting time: - appr. 6-7 min.
Hardness 24h: - > 150 N/mm²
Hardness 30/60 min: - appr. 140/150 N/mm²
Compressive strength 1/24h: - appr. 50/ > 60 MPa
Expansion DIN: - < 0,15 %