Whether you perform one root canal treatment per month or one per hour, it’s all about having confidence in your technique.
GuttaCore gives you that confidence with its warm gutta-percha that you send flowing three-dimensionally throughout the entire canal system with the ease of a single insertion.
Cold gutta-percha cone convenience, warm fill confidence
Fills the entire canal anatomy
Delivering Gutta-Percha in latereral and accessory canals, beyond challenging curves and into the apex.
Follow the natural anatomy
The warm gutta-percha flowability allows to obturate even challenging cases with confidence.
Efficient technique
Offers the ease of a single insertion so patients spend less time in your chair.
GuttaCore's effectiveness: Scientific Evidence
GuttaCore delivers the highest gutta-percha content
Scientific studies show the effectiveness of GuttaCore compared to other techniques in achieving a complete fill throughout the canal system. GuttaCore delivers the highest gutta-percha content with fewer apical and coronal voids than cold lateral techniques.1
GuttaCore adapts better to intricate canal anatomy²
To achieve apical adaptation of the master cone, warm vertical techniques must be 3-5 mm from the working length.3 Yet thermal penetration of the gutta-percha was limited — with significant thermal effect rarely exhibited more than 4-6 mm into the material.2
Easy removal. Easy post space creation
Significantly lower retreatment time than Thermafil Plus and Warm Vertical techniques.4