Detectaplast offers a wide range of first aid materials and first aid kits for the food industry, the catering industry and industrial kitchens. The various first aid kits were composed to meet the new British Standard BS-8599-1 and the European HACCP, IFS and BRC standards, and so contribute to food safety. Easily visually detectable blue bandages and tapes prevent contamination of food.Detectaplast First aid kit with reference number 9015 contains:
30 x Plaster 25 x 72mm (REF 8241)
15 x Plaster 50 x 72mm (REF 8251)
9 x Butterfly plaster (REF 8245)
6 x Knuckle plaster (REF 8246)
50 x Extra long plaster 180 x 20mm (REF 83489)
Cleaning spray (REF 1011)
Compress 5 x 5cm (REF 1782NSI)
Elastic bandage 8cm x 4m (REF 9084)
Quick bandage 6cm x 4m (REF 9062)
Tape 2.5cm x 5m (REF 8057)