The DGH 8000 B-Scan (Scanmate B) combines the most advanced ultrasound technology available with the processing power, data storage and connectivity advantages of a personal computer. The DGH 8000 is equipped with dual 12.5 MHz and 15 MHz frequencies in the same probe, which results in a unique depth selection range from 3 cm and 6 cm in 12.5 MHz mode and 5 cm and 10 cm in 15 MHz mode.
It is a self-contained portable imaging system that interfaces with a Windows® computer via a USB 2.0 port. High resolution video loops and still images are obtained rapidly, and post processing features include playback, gain adjustment, contrast and image intensity variation, distortion-free zoom, distance, angle and area measurement and annotation tools. Patient data can be stored on a local computer or on a centralized network location where it can be accessed by multiple users. Patient records are fully searchable and can be exported in a format that is compatible with EMR/EHR systems.
The DGH 8000 B Scan delivers clear images for the posterior portion, even when optical clarity is compromised:
Retinal Detachments
Vitreous Detachments
Vitreous Humor Pathologies
Posterior Segment Pathologies
Choroidal Pathologies
Optic Nerve Pathologies
Scleral Thickening