Highest flexibility is granted by the compact design, which assures low cycle costs by reduced consumption of water, chemicals and energy.
DGM GS 3 endoscope reprocessor is endowed with a stainless steel base for the storage of process chemicals. Free standing or table top – the DGM GS 3 design provides an installation set for any facility. Using the “rack” option, two GS 3 machines will be installed on the top of each other on a mobile shelf. This set up allows asynchronous reprocessing of 2 flexible endoscopes on a small footprint. Furthermore, DGM GS 3 is useful for rigid endoscopes.
Compatible and tested glutaraldehyde (thermo-chemical) disinfection
3 level service menu, protected by passwords (installation, service, user)
Leak test at the beginning of the cycle and continuous monitoring during all the cycle phases with automatic cycle stop in case of anomaly
Integrated sterile air filter (0.2 µm) channels purging and drying
Final rinse with sterile water: the double-stage microbiological filtration system (0.45µm and 0.1µm) secures the validated disinfection of process water for the final rinse and disinfection phases