World Health organization has identi ed a number of congenital infections causing persistent structural changes in fetal intrauterine infection in a single complex, which included viral, fungal, protozoal and bacterial infections, and merged them in ToRCH-complex.
Prenatal infections remain a serious problem of the modern medicine, despite the obvious successes reached last decades. Pathogens capable to cause such an infection widely circulate among the human population.
In laboratory diagnostics of the fetal infections all spectrum of diagnostic methods is applied: from various variants of microscopy and pathogen isolation on cell culture, up to enzyme immunoassay testing and molecular-biological diagnostic methods (PCR, nASBA, etc.).
But only diagnostics based on serological blood markers detection is simple enough and extremely important for fetal infections precaution at pregnant women. These methods include enzyme immunoassay (EIA) and other immunological analyses. only the results of a comprehensive serum research on speci c IgG and IgM antibodies and antibody avidity determination of class G, we can establish the woman immune status concerning fetal infections and to predict group and degree of risk. nowadays ELISA is a unique screening method, allowing to survey large population groups for de nition the risk of contamination by fetal infections and after vaccination immune status.