Conventional color Doppler portable ultrasound system using single beamformer technology, thus using one beamformer to process one group of echo signal for imaging. While Chison Q9 VET using multi-beamformer technology, that is using multi beamformer to process one group of echo signal which can greatly improve the speed of imaging processing, especially enhance CFM frame rate. So it can provide a very good CFM time resolution for users.
A New Class of System:
New standard in terms of image quality and solutions meets the Veterinary application requirement
Two Probe Connectors:
Two probe connected to the systems allow fast selection and activation as well as extended range of applicationseven in the portable configuration.
High performance 15″ LCD monitor:
The most latest LCD technology ensure clear image visualization and minimum
Eyestrain Ergonomic Design:
Current color scheme and mode- dependent controls give you comfortable operation
Available with Cart. Viewing Angle Adjustable:q9-vet-stand
when positioned on the stationary trolley, it offers the consistency of a standard console system
Great Portability:
Q9 offers a wide of range of trolleys and accessories providing the freedom to bring it wherever you need and whenever you want.
VET dedicated software:
Expert veterinary preset, measurement and bodymark
State-of the-art image technology:
Multiple beam former, Compound imaging, THI, advanced color filter technology
18MHz linear Probe:
Provide great image for small pets
Intelligent workflow:
One key optimization, Automatic PW trace in real time
Complete cardiac package:
HPRF, CW, Steer M mode, Color M mode, TOI mode