Individually packaged FDA-approved & CLIA-waived urine test strips for accurate and reliable diagnosis of various health conditions. Easily monitor kidney function, track liver health, and detect Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) with urinalysis test strips from Diagnox.
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Urinox-10 is a multiparameter urine dipstick test (UA test) that checks ten different parameters in urine, including the presence of urobilinogen, nitrite, protein, blood, bilirubin, ketones, and glucose, among others. Urinalysis reagent strips are lined with reagent pads that change color in response to the chemical characteristics of the urine. Scientific data indicates that urinalysis assists in diagnosing and monitoring metabolic and systemic diseases that affect kidney and liver functions, endocrine disorders, and urinary tract infections. Conventional UTI test strips (e.g., at home uti test) only capture two parameters related to urinary tract health. 10 parameter reagent strips for urinalysis, on the other hand, provide a holistic health view and are thus preferred in clinical practice. Routine urinalysis can provide clues towards anomalies that can go unnoticed because they haven’t produced striking signs or clinical/physical symptoms. Routine urinalysis is also helpful for general health screening, wellness, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Urinox-10 test strips are FDA-cleared and CLIA-waived, providing quick and accurate results in just 2 minutes for easy testing at home, clinics, and laboratories. The Urinox urine test strips can be read visually using a color chart or with a urine analyzer.