WARMLY 111 has been pojected to warm PLT (Pre Loaded Tips) composites, otheways called: Single Dose, Monodose, Mono-patient Dose, Compules or Capsules. It allows to warm little pieces too of Composite even extruded by syringes o by the same monodoses.
Its use is intuitive and symple, as its management commands:
- a multi-function button for switching on and off,
- a two-color LED (red-green), for the functions temperature up and ready stage,
- A green LED to indicate that the appliance is in operation.
WARMLY 111 is a small heater control with fixed temperature to 47.5 ° C, controlled by a microprocessor.
Complete messages and manual controls that allow you to choose and prefixing different points of temperature from 40 to 50 ° C.
The initial choice of 47.5 ° C, was prepared for a typical temperature of the dental practice, of about 22-24 ° C.
The choice of the operating temperature of 47.5 ° C was established by tests and studies of different brands and types of materials to optimize the consistency of the composite material during the cementation of veneers, inlays or onlays, without increasing the adhesion to the instruments.
This feature allows the use of the device even during the modeling of direct reconstructions.
After reaching the temperature set-point, the unit enters a maintenance phase of the temperature required and will remain in this state, continuing to control the temperature, for a time of about 60 minutes.
Even this time can be varied in three available values: 30 min '., 45 min'., 60 min '.
It is advisable to switch off after work to avoid heat for too long of the composite material may be left in the unit.