Donatello Series 2 is the new automated Diapath tissue processor for histological samples designed to enhance lab routine and guarantee reliability, safety and best quality results for the user. Innovation, reliability and safety in processing.
Tissue Processing in Anatomic Pathology laboratory is a fundamental and crucial phase. During this process, a series of conditions must be verifed that will irreversibly determine the adequate and suitable fixation/processing of the unique and unrepeatable surgical specimen.
Donatello Series 2 is equipped with the innovative E.V.A. Emergency eVoluted Alghorithm, designed by Diapath. E.V.A. Intelligent virtual algorithm which, in the event of a mechanical blockage, performs operations in a totally automatic way aimed at solving problems without interrupting the processing in progress. E.V.A. is also equipped with communication skills thanks to the synthesis of a virtual voice that communicates verbally with the operator, actively supporting him during the use of the tool. Donatello Series 2 is also equipped with the innovative SelfCheck+ technology designed to reduce the incidence of adverse events during tissue processing. SelfCheck+ performs a deep check of the sensitive parts of the instrument and, in the event of a malfunction, notifies the user by allowing a preventive action for the safety of the sample.
Donatello Series 2 guarantees integrated tracking of all operations and processing data (protocols, users), tanks (replacement, batches), tissue processor (alarms).