ireCR Spark Veterinary Readers offer a highly efficient signal collection, providing crystal-clear image quality. The readers are small and light, allowing them to be placed on a counter or wall-mounted.
The FireCR Spark accommodates a range of cassette sizes to meet every imaging need, and cassettes feature advanced spec that makes them remarkably strong and robust.
The affordable FireCR Spark Veterinary product line offers a variety of imaging speeds, providing solutions to meet any requirement and/or budget.
When needs change, the readers can be affordably and easily upgraded in the field for a higher throughput.
- Are you a high-volume veterinary practice or busy animal hospital needing fast imaging speed?
- A specialty large-animal practice with a need for mobile imaging capabilities?
- A practice looking for a cost-effective way to scan dental images?
- Or a smaller practice with a tight budget but plans to grow?
FireCR Spark Veterinary Reader with features and options tailored to YOUR NEEDS is the answer.