Berylas It is a Versatile Laser For Most Soft Tissue Indications
Ear, Nose and Throat and Oral Surgery (Otolaryngology)
Hemostasis, incision, excision, ablation, coagulation and vaporization of tissue from the ear, nose, throat and adjacent areas including soft tissue in the oral cavity.
Examples include:
Removal of benign lesions from the ear, nose and throat, e.g. turbinectomy
Excision and vaporization of vocal cord nodules &am; polyps, e.g. tonselectomy, uvelaplasty
Incision and excision of carcinoma in situ, e.g. bronchoscopy
Ablation and vaporization of hyperkeratosis
Excision and vaporization of herpes simplex I and II
Neck Dissection
Advantages Of Dimed ENT Laser
Precise incision, excision, and vaporization, with microvascularhemostasi
Predictable, reproducible laser-tissue interaction
Minimal thermal damage for excellent tissue margins
Smart margin management and minimal healthy tissue loss
Minimal disturbance to structures, nerves, and tissue
Improves procedure sterility
A Complete Set Of Handpieces
To complement your fiber you will need to select from our reusable autoclavable handpieces. These are designed to aid access to the treatment site and provide precise control of the fiber tip. Each handpiece is designed for optimal results in different applications, as described in the table below.
Malleable cannula can be formed to the desired shape to suit specific needs of a surgical procedure.
+ Straight ENT Handpieces(15*165mm)
+ Replacement ENT Handpieces-1 60mm
+ Replacement ENT Handpieces-2 80mm
+ Replacement ENT Handpieces-3 100 mm
+ Replacement ENT Handpieces-4 150mm
+ Replacement ENT Handpieces-5 200mm
+ Replacement ENT Handpieces-6 250mm