Berylas laser is designed for applications in minimally invasive surgery, open surgery and bio-stimulation for small and large animal care. it has unsurpassed absorption in water and hemoglobin, which allows controlled tissue ablation and enables a bloodless field for most surgical procedures. Dimed laser cuts and coagulates optically with negligible tissue damage, charring, or recession. Many procedures using Dimed laser are pain-free, minimizing or even eliminating the need for anesthesia. Laser surgery means less pain, blood loss, and swelling as well as a reduction in post-surgical infections.
Acral Lick Granuloma Ablation
Anal Sac Abcessation
Ceruminous Adenocarcinoma
Chronic Ulcer Debridement and Sterilization
Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture – Debridement
Cutaneous Masses – Tags, Inclusion Cysts, Papillomas
Deep Mass Removal
Epibulbar Melanoma
Graft Bed Preparation – Infected Wounds
Granulation Tissue Shaving
Liposarcoma Resections
Malignant Melanoma
Mast Cell Tumors
Perianal Fistulas
Perianal Tumors
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Tendon Sheath Tumors
Tumor Bed Ablations
Tumor/Mass Removal
Urethral Prolapse Resections
Urinary Bladder Polyps
Functional Benefits Of Diode Surgery Lasers For The Surgeon
Ease of Use:
Low space requirement due to compact design, high resolution color touch sensitive display provides a quick and easy interface to all system functions.
Higher Power and Flexibility:
Depending on the laser model and choices of 15 , 20, 30 and 60 watts, the Dimed Lasers is ideal for surgery in both companion animals as well as in horses where higher energies are required.