Harlas with 1064nm wavelength is ideal for the laser podiatry treatment, such as onychomicosis, plantar warts, neurovascular corn, intractable plantar keratosis (IPK), low level laser therapy (LLLT) and small podiatric surgery.
What Are the Benefits of Laser Podiatry Treatment?
From expedited recovery to minimal risk, laser podiatry treatment offers multiple benefits to individuals suffering with foot pain or discomfort.
- Local or no anesthesia. Some patients are allergic to general anesthesia, while others have difficulty recovering from anesthetization. Laser treatments often only require local or no anesthesia, as opposed to general, and require less recovery time.
- Less pain. Depending on the diagnosis, laser techniques can reduce the amount of pain the patient experiences while healing.
- Less downtime. Unlike invasive surgeries, laser treatments are quick and usually result in minimal downtime. Many patients can walk and resume normal functioning the same day as the procedure.
- Minimal discomfort and scarring. When reviewing treatment options for podiatric conditions, patients look for procedures with minimal side effects, including pain and post-procedure scarring. Compared to alternative methods, laser treatment results in minimal scarring and discomfort.
- Precise treatment. A benefit to patients, laser treatment allows a podiatrist to specifically target the affected area and gain precise control over the procedure. Unlike topical treatments, laser techniques enable podiatrists to treat foot conditions at the point of origin.