VENDLET V5S+ (Bari) is an assistive device for moving and handling bariatric patients in bed. The patient turning aid relieves the task of turning and repositioning bariatric clients, while also improving the quality of care, providing a more gentle and comfortable repositioning.
Moving and handling bariatric patients present a great challenge and risk for healthcare workers. However, using the powered patient turning system , it is possible to turn bariatric clients in bed without added force from the healthcare staff, who are instead turning the client by the press of a button.
Any heavy lifting or strain on staff is eliminated from the moving and handling situation, which makes the care situation manageable and safe for both parties. This means, that the client does not feel like a burden for the staff, meanwhile, the staff can turn and reposition the bariatric client without risk to their health and safety. This ensures more dignified care.
With the patient turning system you can:
Turn the bariatric patient from supine to lateral position
Move the bariatric client sideways in the bed
Move the bariatric client from the bedside and further into the bed
Move the bariatric client up in bed
Turn a bariatric patient to prone position
Position a sling on the bariatric client